Black Girls Vote
Black Girls Vote (BGV) is a grassroots, nonpartisan organization created to represent the national and international concerns of women of color. We seek to uplift and empower communities of color by educating and inspiring women of color to understand the public policy decisions affecting their families and communities. We are dedicated to using our collective voice to transform areas where bias has the most profound impact on the lives of women of color. BGV continues to cultivate a community of well-informed citizens in underserved communities to support policies that align with BGV’s strategic aims to:
● Advance education
● Advance economic development
● Advance quality health care and improve outcomes
We utilize an impactful infrastructure to promote major change in local cities:
● Mechanisms to cultivate and mobilize well-informed voters
● Solution focused, measurable goals to improve community outcomes
● Community organizing and consortium building amongst diverse communities
● Creative community engagement
● Sustainable partnerships
● Social capital exchange
● Resources and information
Since 2015, BGV has been working hard to inspire, engage and educate young women to become the voice in our political landscape by exercising their right to vote. We continue to reach our women of color because we know that our voice and our vote can push policy and elected leaders that represent our issues. BGV membership is a direct and powerful way to change our communities. At a chapter level, we train members to become BGV Ambassadors. Ambassadors are advocates charged to lead the conversation and progress when it comes to speaking on behalf of women of color and their communities on the Local, State, and National level.