Alpha Gamma Rho


Established in 1928, Alpha Gamma Rho is the premier Agricultural and Life Sciences fraternity at the University of Maryland. Our brotherhood stands for the best mental, social, and moral development as we pursue our initiative to make better men.

With an extensive alumni network of professionals in the field of applied agriculture and life sciences, AGR serves as a gateway to a wide variety of scholarship and career opportunities.

With over 75 chapters and colonies nationwide, Alpha Gamma Rho can be found at virtually every land grant institution in the nation and is in the process of going international with our Japan Initiative. Brotherhood in Alpha Gamma Rho continues after graduation with brothers remaining involved with their own chapters and with alumni associations in cities such as Dallas/Ft. Worth, Chicago, and Washington DC.

Contact Information

7511 Princeton Ave.
College Park, MD 20740
United States
Contact Email E:
Phone Number P: 443-684-8156